Anyone know the quote i am thinking of?
It goes something like
If we put the energy into hating something so much,
eventually we become the thing we hate...
or something like that.
beauty is in the giving
the live and let living
free your mind
free your heart
erase the marks against you
then forget they were ever made
make your peace
and stand by your words
cause if they are only on your lips
they are not in your heart
be strong enough to lay down your weapons
and pick up your teacups
don't fling meaningless scones at each other.
man, is it nice out here today. Got work to do, off i go.
rambled by dq on 5:31 PM |
Tuesday, May 15, 2001
My brain hurts.
my brain hurts.
see how it smokes
see how it smokes
the little neurons and synapses cracked
now all the signals are completely whacked
my mind is now jello and that's a fact
my brain hurts.
my brain hurts.
rambled by dq on 2:01 PM |
Tuesday, May 08, 2001
Where have I been lately?
Was I running in circles, chasing squirrels?
Have I been curled up on the sofa, weeping over
my van and eating too much chocolate?
Was that me in the corner, using my religion?
How many hours did I spend in that classroom,
feverishly cramming a ton of knowledge into a very little brain.
Was that me, trembling under the sheets in a panic attack,
hiding from all the things I have to do?
Did I fall in love again, staring into those blue-green eyes
and did I say a little prayer of thanks for fifteen years gone by
Did I listen to "A Case of You" by Joni Mitchell again, letting the
gorgeous lyrics wash over me, and renew my faith a little more
Where have I been lately
What road have I been meandering along
picking wildflowers
singing off-key
and hiding from the stampede that nips at my heels
in relentless pursuit
where have i been
where am i going
i don't know- but wherever I land
there will be a place for you, friend
rambled by dq on 8:37 PM |
Tuesday, April 24, 2001
If the right half of DQ's brain leaves Dillsburg at a speed of 70mph, and the left half of DQ's brain leaves Reading at a speed of 45mph, and the distance between the two cities is 75 miles, How many pink bunny peeps would one squirrel have to consume before hurling violently enough to fill a shot glass?
rambled by dq on 12:06 PM |
Wednesday, April 18, 2001
so, what is karma anyway? Is there really an interconnectedness to all things? why are some people more in tune with that "other" dimension than others, and what good is that anyway. All the taoist stories say that it's all so simple. just breathe, eat your fucking rice and be.
what good is intuition without knowledge, interpretation. why are answerless questions so damn wonderful? I want to know why. why am I here. why do I feel things in the funny corner of my brain. who set me on this path- and which way am i going? why am I to "know" something as sure as i know I am breathing, yet not to know the details of it. Is the cosmos just a cruel tease?
yeah, this has to be the work of squirrels.
rambled by dq on 5:07 PM |
Monday, April 16, 2001
greetings all. Live again at school, and my cold medicine has fully kicked in. I am so hyper I cannot stand it. Doesn't help to be surrounded with a bunch of FREAKS!!
Life is semi-good. :)
rambled by dq on 10:36 AM |