and from the depths rise the giggling squirrels...
yet another mental regurgitation on the web

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Tuesday, July 31, 2001 Man, what a difference a month makes. Just read that post last made. Feh. I could care less if that little bit dried up and blew away like so many dust particles. sometimes I think the only thing holding me here (other than no cash) is everyone telling me" oh, you don't mean that' and 'you know things will get better"
yeah, yeah, things will get better. things will get better and then get worse, then get better again. I have had enough. I am beginning to think I would like a mate with a karmic connection, or nothing at all.

Ah, who am I kidding, anyway. I am in no age or shape to find anything like that. I'm stuck here. I can't just pick up and go experience the world, or anything like that. Put down too many goddamn roots and now they are choking me.
rambled by dq on 4:55 PM | v